At Oddcat, we believe luxury shouldn't cost the Earth. That's why we're India's premier bag brand, offering a unique blend of "conscious fashion and luxury." We make beautiful handbags and small leather goods using genuine leather scraps collected from the fashion industry's waste stream. This reduces landfill waste and gives new life to high-quality materials – a win for both the environment and your wardrobe.

But our commitment to sustainability goes beyond materials. We believe in creating products that are built to last, so you can enjoy them for years to come. And even after your Oddcat piece becomes a cherished companion, our story doesn't end there. Any remaining leather scraps are donated to an animal shelter, where they're transformed into cozy dog beds. It's a full-circle approach that ensures every Oddcat purchase makes a positive impact.

At Oddcat, we believe luxury shouldn't cost the Earth. That's why we're India's premier bag brand, offering a unique blend of "conscious fashion and luxury." We make beautiful handbags and small leather goods using genuine leather scraps collected from the fashion industry's waste stream. This reduces landfill waste and gives new life to high-quality materials – a win for both the environment and your wardrobe.

But our commitment to sustainability goes beyond materials. We believe in creating products that are built to last, so you can enjoy them for years to come. And even after your Oddcat piece becomes a cherished companion, our story doesn't end there. Any remaining leather scraps are donated to an animal shelter, where they're transformed into cozy dog beds. It's a full-circle approach that ensures every Oddcat purchase makes a positive impact.